Engine Yard Organizational Changes

Engine Yard has grown quickly and we’ve seen a lot of changes since we took our first customer in 2006.

We’re on track for a strong 2009 with new and modified services for existing and new segments of customers.

As part of these overall changes, we’re moving some people within the organization and letting others go. The net effect is a 15% decrease in personnel.

We deeply appreciate the efforts of everyone at Engine Yard and those who are departing will be missed.

We’re setting up an email alias that our departing people can opt into. If you have an interesting opportunity, you can email the alias and anyone who’s interested can email you back directly. Please check back this week for details about the email alias.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly at my email address below.

— Lance Walley (lwalley[at]engineyard.com)