Come See Us in May!
We’ve been out and about, but if you missed us last month, check out what we’ve got on the calendar for May! There’s lots going on—both domestic and international, so this is a great chance to catch and Engine Yard speaker near you :)
Red Dirt Ruby Conference
May 6-7, 2010 | Oklahoma City, OK
We’re looking forward to the inaugural Red Dirt Ruby Conference! The one-track event includes a full day of sessions, followed by an optional training day to help you apply all you learned in conference sessions. There will be three Engine Yard speakers on hand:
- Tim Gourley: Sinatra: Microapps Running on Rack
- Andre Arko: Bundler: Painless Dependency Management
- Corey Donohoe: The Rise of DevOps
Frozen Rails
May 7, 2010 | Helsinki, Finland
We’ll be heading across the pond to participate in Frozen Rails, the first international Rails conference in Finland. Rails Core Team members Carl Lerche and Yehuda Katz will both be speaking, as well as presenting an in-depth tutorial on Rails 3. You don’t want to miss this one!
May 13-14, 2010 | Poznan, Poland
GeeCON is a community organized event drawing several hundred attendees each year. Content focuses on Java and Java Virtual Machine based technologies, with special attention to dynamic languages like Ruby. JRuby team co-leads Charles Oliver Nutter and Thomas Enebo will both be on hand delivering presentations; be sure to say hullo!
My 17-18, 2010 | Moscow, Russia
We’ll be at the first-ever DevConf Moscow; it’ll also be our first time in Russia! The show features a multi-lingual, multi-track program; several hundred developers are expected to show up for a day of conference sessions, followed by a full day dedicated to master classes. Yehuda Katz will be giving two presentations: Rails 3 Choices: The Devil Is In The Details and Using jQuery with Rails.
May 21, 2010 | Kiev, Ukraine
Coffee’n’Code is our first Ukrainian Ruby Conference (lots of firsts this month!). We’re looking forward to meeting some of the local community members and getting a feel for the Ukrainian community. Yehuda Katz will be there, speaking about Rails 3.
Nordic Ruby
May 22-23, 2010 | Gothenburg, Sweden
This two day conference also has an awesome speaker lineup, featuring a mix of well-known Nordic and international Rubyists. Engine Yard’s Randall Thomas will be giving a presentation on machine learning and data mining.
May 22, 2010 | New York, NY
For the third time, we’ll be sponsoring Gotham Ruby Conference (GoRuCo), one of our favorite right coast events. We’ll have a table set up and a handful of folks in attendance. Be sure to swing by our table to say hi and enter for a chance to win $500 in Engine Yard Cloud credit!
May 29-30, 2010 | Krakow, Poland
EuRuKo is a two-day event, and the largest annual European Ruby Conference. Speakers are still being announced, but those confirmed so far are impressive. Rails Core Team member Yehuda Katz will be presenting, as will Ruby’s creator Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto. Keep an eye on the event website for schedule and complete event details.
May 31-June 2, 2010 | Berlin, Germany
After a smashing success last year, we’re excited to attend the second edition of RailsWayCon. The three-day event blends sessions and workshops targeted towards seasoned Ruby on Rails professionals looking to share their knowledge and promote ‘The Rails Way’. Yehuda Katz will be giving two presentations, one on how the architecture of Rails 3 was shaped by the community, and the other delving into using jQuery with Rails.
In addition to going out to the events listed above, we’ll also be hosting the first San Francisco MongoDB User Group at Engine Yard Headquarters. The evening event will take place on May 17th; be sure to RSVP!
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