Post-Deploy Notifications on Engine Yard Cloud

Our latest post is from special guest and Engine Yard customer Matt Cowley. Matt is a freelance developer and the web manager at WMNF Community Radio. He can be found at Matt originally published this post to his blog. Many thanks to Matt for pulling together the helpful info, and for allowing us to share it with you.

I’ve got a project hosted on Engine Yard’s cloud servers, with geographically-dispersed team. The developers are often working on separate feature sets, often deployed independently. As a quality-control and awareness measure we wanted to be notified when a deploy was done.

This was pretty easy to set up, and would work with capistrano deployments also.

First we set up a mailer action; I used an existing mailer class for this but you might want to create a separate class just for process-type notifications:

def deploy_notification(attribs)
  subject       "A build of my_project was deployed to #{attribs[:env_name]}"
  from          "MyProject CodeMonkey HQ"
  @from =       "[email protected]"
  recipients    "[email protected]"
  body          :revision => attribs[:revision], :env_name => attribs[:env_name]

and the corresponding deploy_notification.text.plain.erb:

Heads up code monkeys! New code has been deployed to < %= @env_name %>


Environment: < %= @env_name %>
Revision: < %= @revision %>

I’ll probably make that a little fancier with a direct link to the commit on the githubs, and possibly pull in the commit message etc.

Next, we add a rake task to call the mailer; I put this in /lib/tasks/deploy.rake:

namespace :deploy do
  desc "notify developers of deployment"
  task :notify => :environment do
    attribs = {}
    ARGV.each do |arg|
      if arg.match(/TO=(.*)/)
        attribs[:env_name] = $1
      elsif arg.match(/REVISION=(.*)/)
        attribs[:revision] = $1

Finally, for Engine Yard integration, in deploy/after_restart.rb:

# notify dev team of deploy
run "cd #{release_path} && rake deploy:notify TO=#{@configuration[:environment]} REVISION=#{@configuration[:revision]}"

That gets called by the engineyard chef scripts after the deploy finishes. For capistrano deployments, you could do the same in an “after deploy:restart” call.

That’s it. Hope it’s helpful.

Again, many thanks to Matt Cowley for this post originally published to his [MadCode blog]( on November 24, 2010.