Announcing Our New PHP User Group Program

Since Engine Yard was formed, we’ve had a deep commitment to supporting the open source community. Long have we done this in the Ruby space, and more recently in the PHP space as well. Sometimes we do this by sponsoring PHP conferences run by those in the community, supporting new PHP User Groups just getting started, giving away free tickets to conferences that come our way, sponsoring special events at PHP User Groups, or even more recently sponsoring PHP projects. As the PHP Community manager here, I have an awesome job.

What was missing, though, was a more organized way to reach out to PHP User Groups to offer our support. We didn’t really have a consistent way to connect with user group leaders. That’s why we’re starting a PHP User Group Program. By joining this group on behalf of your PHP User Group, you will get:

  • A monthly email from me with benefits for your group, including any tickets to conferences we're giving away, or other swag
  • A list of upcoming conferences and events, or resources that might be of interest to your group members
  • Occasional swag or sponsorship of pizza and drinks for your meetings

We’ll also be highlighting a PHP User Group of the month, which will entail a blog post about your group, a visit from us and some extra special goodies for your members.

Don’t have a user group in your area? A wise person once said that if you are looking for a user group and can’t find one, then you’re the new user group leader. We’ll help you get one started, and we can put you in touch with other people who can help as well.

To join, all you need to do is give us a little information about your group. Thanks for connecting with us!

And Ruby devs, don’t fret, we’re working on a similar program for you. Watch for it in the near future.