April 18, 2014: This Week at Engine Yard

ChefConf 2014: truly delightful! Big congratulations to Nathen Harvey on another amazing conference. Check out the videos here (or watch Nathen running around a farm and making friends with a devops minded cow)!

Tasha Drew, Product Manager

Engineering Updates

This week there were a couple updates to our main Gentoo stacks: alternate MTAs are now fully supported, and there are improvements to the behavior of Ruby on Sinatra applications using ActiveRecord and Unicorn.

Our Ubuntu team has taken its first pass at updating to 14.04 LTS, and plans to release this work for the Java environments soon!

All our updates are chronicled in our regular release notes!

Social Calendar (Come say hi!)

RailsConf, April 22-25, Chicago, Illinois: RailsConf, the largest gathering of Ruby and Rails developers in the world, will be held in Chicago. Join us and connect with top Rails talent, companies, and project owners from around the world. Stop by our booth to chat with our support engineers, deployment engineers, and product manager to ask questions and talk shop! We will also be doing a presentation on the future of Engine Yard on Wednesday at 2:10pm in Michigan AB, led by deployment engineer extraordinaire Edward Chiu.

Abril Pro Ruby, April 24-27, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil: April Pro Ruby is hosting some of the best Rubyists in business at this tropical conference in Porto de Galinhas beach, a paradise in the northeast of Brazil. Be sure to meet our own Daniela Valfre there!

Articles of Interest

Check out Seth Vargo’s release of Chef Sugar, a Gem and Chef Recipe that aims to make a cleaner, more lean reciped DSL, enforce DRY principles, and make writing Chef recipes an awesome experience!

The US Navy announces it has developed a way to make fuel from seawater.